on other news, i'll be house/pet sitting for a girlfriend this weekend. two adorable little chihuahuas. you'll be seeing pictures soon!
another thought, i was looking at pictures from college and high school yesterday, and in an endeavor to "find myself" i started noticing a consistent pattern (even if I don't remember it now or notice it at the time). even when i was a welcomed into the stereotypical popular crowd i still felt like an outsider. one time i was dating a guy who was part of that crowd, some of girls had asked me to get ready with them for a prom-like banquet. while they were giggling in the bathroom curling their hair and putting on sparkly, barely there dresses I was playing games on my cell. i've always desired to be a part of that group but why? because they always seemed so effortlessly happy. so i'm forever on the outside looking in..... cliche, yes. perhaps that's why i'm never happy where i'm at. the grass is always greener, so to speak. thoughts?